I recently read about how writing a narrative of your day is a great way to get a bird's eye view of how things are going in life; for your children's education, your home atmosphere, etc. The goal is to randomly pick a day and not just a good one! I hope to write one each month in 2020 - it will be interesting and revealing when I look back in 2021. I am specifically thinking about what the little Meadors are learning as they live in our home, so that's my focus. You can read previous posts here:

Brad is four months old today. Phew.
I made it to this point.
He slept until 4 a.m. which is his longest stretch yet and I am so thankful. He's been the worst sleeper of our three. I am so ready for a full night's sleep. It's coming.
Once I woke them up Samantha and Rex eagerly began looking at the new library books we brought home yesterday. (Rex was awake already, as usual. He's always ready for the day!) Rex also played the piano and sang. He is very musical. Then squabbles broke out between the two. (Sammi: "I'm trying to read!!!" Rex: "LAAAAAALALALALA" etc.)
Breakfast is needed.
Oatmeal and toast eaten with Cha Cha music playing in the background. We didn't read during breakfast but instead chatted with excitement because our day is going to be a fun one! Cousins are visiting and we will be hiking the Irene Rheinhart trail and eating a picnic lunch. My sister Claire has five daughters and they are a lively time! We always have a good laugh when they are around.
Then it was the rush to get Samantha to preschool on time at 8:30. She confided to me as she was putting on her shoes that she "loves school and is tired of it, too." Boy doesn't that just sum up so much of life's duties! Ha! They are learning about outer space and the number five this week. I am impressed with how much her awesome preschool teacher is imparting to her eight students.
Once we had dropped off Sammi, Rex and I looked at our new Shutterfly photo book while I nursed the baby. I think Rex is amazed to have a real book of photos of him and his family; it's been a hit. During Bradley's nap, we did chores together and Rex also played the harmonica.
There is no volume control on a harmonica.
Thankfully then he played with tractors.
And then our cousins arrived.
After quickly packing lunches we drove to pick up Samantha and headed to the trail. The two two-year-olds piled into the wagon with the picnic basket, and the four-month-old lolled in the stroller while the rest tromped the path with sticks. We found a perfect sunny spot to eat our lunches. And it was not long enough - such a beautiful day! The Yakima river was in Springtime fullness, the sky true blue, and the air just the freshest it can be. Before long we needed to head back to get the youngest three in naps. "That was awesome!" said Audrey, age eight. We could have stayed all day.
Once home with the youngest three down for naps, the oldest five played "Dress Up" with my collection of vintage clothes. The fun of making new outfits out of a collection of items is something I remember fondly from my own childhood. This was the first time I had brought out this bin for the girls and it made me happy to see them trying things on and pretending.
My sister and I did a pilates workout and then cozied up for our tea time. Claire brought paleo lemon bars and I served candy cane cookies. (Why should Christmas have all the peppermint fun? Seriously.)
We so enjoy catching up and there was a lot to discuss: the coronavirus, their new home they recently moved into, baking using flours other than wheat. Dale even stepped in to visit during a break from work - I love it when he does that!
Before it was time for the cousins to go home, Claire and I also dressed up and we turned on music. Dancing and giggling, serious business though - learning to be a femme fatale. The clump-clump of a seven year old in high heels. The three year old using a giant Japanese fan. Rex just played the harmonica on the stairs. What can I say Rex? Good thing your brother is growing up.
And then once again, the house was quieter and it was just us Meadors. Sammi and Rex took baths and I got ready for date night. Our wonderful sitter arrived and Dale and I headed out, leaving corndogs and tired children in her capable hands.